A megamodeling agenda (Extended Abstract)

Submitted for publication

Ralf Lämmel and Andrei Varanovich and Marcel Heinz and Lukas Härtel and Johannes Härtel

Linguistic architecture complements more established forms of software architecture. That is, linguistic architecture is \emph{not} focused on the structure of systems in terms of the relevant components, tiers, features, or concerns. Linguistic architecture, by contrast, focuses on the use of languages and underlying technologies and concepts in software systems. Models of linguistic architecture (or megamodels) possess prescriptive value in that they provide patterns for using languages and technologies in software development; the models also possess descriptive value, as they can be seen as abstractions of language and technology usage in existing systems. In this extended abstract, we characterize the notion of linguistic architecture and we point out traces of linguistic architecture in diverse related work. Ultimately, we identify challenges that need to be addressed to make linguistic architecture more useful in practice. Once these challenges are addressed, megamodels will serve better their purpose in managing the complexity of today's software systems---as far as complexity relates to language and technology usage.

Linguistic architecture. Megamodeling. Software architecture. Software languages. Software technologies.

Bibtex entry
  author    = {Ralf L\"ammel and Andrei Varanovich and Marcel Heinz and Lukas H\"artel and Johannes H\"artel},
  title     = "{A megamodeling agenda (Extended Abstract)}",
  year      = {2016},
  note      = "2 pages. Online since 12 April 2016"

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